Accidental, chemical burns and acid burn scars are extremely difficult to treat scars. Lasers can effectively help in such cases. Ultrapulse Laser, Enerjet Devices and other Lasers used for tattoo removal are used to remove the dirt and dust particles buried below skin in an accident.
Surgical scars are scars caused due to Caesarian Section, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) surgery or any other surgery. They are a major concern for patients especially for their self-esteem. While a skilfull surgeon ensures that the scar mark is minimum, yet the scar mark remains and this is treated by lasers.
In a planned surgery, pretreatment of the planned surgical area with lasers and superior wound care can dramatically improve the scar outcome. By discussing your scar concern with your surgeon and super scar specialists, you can have control of the scar even before it is formed.